The Drama-Free Workplace with Patti Perez

YCMTSU: Like a Prayer

Patti Perez Season 2 Episode 5

“Don’t bring that up.” “Now is not the time or place for that discussion.” “Mind your business.” There are many times where we have been told certain topics are too taboo for the workplace. But, has making topics taboo actually helped us in the long run? Join Patti and Katie as they take you there in Like a Prayer…

In the episode we address three main concepts:

  • The importance of going beyond “tolerance” in the workplace and giving each other space and grace. Check out THIS handout to see our model for creating a culture transformation.
  • The importance of emotional intelligence to be a good co-worker. (Read the room friends!) For more information on emotional and social competence, check out Patti’s book, The Drama-Free Workplace, sold at a bookseller near you.
  • The steps behind successful bystander intervention. Checkout some of the research on the topic HERE. For a quick handout on the steps for successful bystander intervention, click HERE.

To learn more about Patti Perez and PersuasionPoint, check out our other offerings HERE. You can also follow us on YouTube and LinkedIn.